Mixed Pixel Art
As a bit of a expirement I created for 8bit systems such as Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum etc. Below are some examples of my ‘retro’ experiments.

I created a Poppy for Rememberance Day as a random peace of Art.

Pixel Art Commissions
These pieces of art I created to test new skills and techniqes. I also produced comissions for friends and people I have known.

The first image was done as a piece of fan art for a YouTube Creator called Jerry Freeman, who at the time I was working with as part of a group to ‘fan-rewrite’ a animation series for his YouTube. To make the sprite, I took a image of his YouTube Character and put it into GIMP, so I could gather colours to a pallet. I then using a 64 by 64 Canvas using his avatar for reference I made his Avatar into 64 Bit Pixel Art

I made this piece of Pixel Fan Art of Tachanka from Rainbow Six Seige as a gift for a friend. Using the same Techniqes as above and using an image of Tachanka for refrence I started with the basic details in Black Lines before adding a base colours and then some colours to detail him.

This piece of Pixel Art I drew as part of Diviant Art’s 21st Birthday Event in order to get a Badge. I used the same Techniqes as above, but added shading to make the character stand out more, but also to refelect the reference picture.

I made this Pixel Art for a artist friend who liked Stardew Valley at the time, so I decided to make them into a Stardew Valley Character using some of their art they had made of themselves. I then used Aseprite to pick out colours and made them into a Character from Stardew Valley.

The Rubiks Cube was my most recent Pixel Art that I made for a someones birthday. So I made them a 3D Rubik’s Cube. This was the first time I had done a piece of 3D pixel art, so I spent some time getting the angles for it. Once I had the basic shape I filled it with some colour and added some shading for detail.